Foot dragging about additional troops and strategy for the war in Afghanistan while American troops are dying in battle brings up a GASP! in anyone who has a child, friend, or family member currently serving in the U. S. Armed Forces. A gasp that is followed by grave concerns when one remembers how many sons and daughters of U.S. Citizens have already been killed in the last 8 years of wars.
Then, we hear revelations that yet another Marxist / Socialist devotee currently representing the White House in some capacity. Yesterday it was Van Jones - a self-proclaimed Communist. Today, it is White House spokesperson Anita Dunn - a self proclaimed devotee of Mao Tse Tung's philosophy. Yes, alarm bells are ringing. The President's job approval rating has fallen below the 50% mark. And there are probably many who wish they had supported Hillary Clinton since her approval rating has soared in recent days.
These daily descriptions of betrayal, corruption, deceit, and self-aggrandizement are revealing that those who won 2008 elections based on solemn promises of change and accountability have turned their backs on the voters who elected them. A new era in government was supposed to have begun. One that is transparent about the workings of government. C-Span coverage was promised to insure public access to what were once "closed door sessions". That promise evaporated months ago. We were promised bi-partisan participation for crafting legislation. Yet, within weeks of the presidential inauguration, partisan politics hastily passed a costly and highly questionable economic stimulus package with Democrats thumbing their nose at anyone who questioned or critiqued its content.
Now, 9 months into the new adminstration with a trail of broken promises... the present-day political system feels more like a bullying dictatorship than a democracy that is dedicated to serving the well-being of the entire nation equally. Yes, citizens are concerned. Concern that is growing into a polarized schism with each passing day.
Rasmussen Polls show "the majority of voters (60%) continue to believe the nation is heading down the wrong track." (Oct 14).
Rising unemployment and ballooning national debt are equally, if not more important to the average citizen than passing health care reform this year. Greater or less costly health insurance will not feed one's family. It will not pay one's rent or mortgage payment. It will not buy clothes or school supplies for one's children. And it will not inspire consumer confidence to buy more products or create new business or industry to replace those that have already closed their doors.
2009: October 14 ~ A commentary - Obama's Middle Class Betrayal. - on Rasmussen Report is an interesting read about the new "politcally correct" climate of betrayal.
The widening gap between those who are devoted to sustaining the nation as a democracy with a free market economy and those who want to revolutionize the economy by nationalizing industry under the mandate of enacting "social justice" is well illustrated by today's simple poll numbers showing 40% of voters believe the economy should be the primary focus of federal government versus 13% who feel health care reform is the urgent priority of the day. This variance in voter opinion brings up the question: Why are national policy-makers so devoted to adding another financial burden to the national debt rather than responding to the growing cry of concerned citizens for fiscal responsibility? With 64% of those surveyed saying they are happy with the health care they now have, where is the fire?
To thoughtful Americans, when silence comes up like thunder in response to legitimate questions, and calls for reasonable explanations about policy priorities are met with emotionally charged personal attacks, it becomes well apparent that something is terribly amiss. Political leadership that refuses to consider ideas from all sides about sweeping reforms such as current health care proposals that -- if not handled carefully -- could instantly nationalize the 6th largest industry in the country is a genuine cause for concern. And then there are the costs...
On the matter of health care, we are hearing cost estimates that range from $850+ Billion to $2 Trillion USD. Mind boggling numbers that will be added to the already staggering $11.9+ Trillion National Debt (a debt load of $38,716.00 per citizen and growing!).
Even more distrubing is while we are told it will take some time to forge an actual piece of legislation that can be realistically discussed, more tax payer dollars are spent every day to promote the idea of an as yet undefined health care reform plan.
No wonder people are upset. It is bad enough to watch national offices that were once seats of dignity, respect and self-restraint turn into a daily parody of the WWE - where finger pointing, back stabbing, and name calling are to be expected from CM Punk, the Moscow Mauler, or Tommy Dreamer. Yet, when antics such as these take precedence over actually governing the nation in a responsible way, one must wonder what kind of leadership would declare war on a news broadcast company for examining all sides of a sweeping national reform. This recent pithy comment by's Camille Paglia says it well:
"He (Obama) is surrounded by some mighty small potatoes who need shoveling into the dumpster. The petty provincials need to go, and far more sophisticated and world-savvy analysts must urgently be brought on board."
Hear! Hear!
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