To thoughtful Americans, every administration comes to a critical moment and a burning issue where leadership must choose whether to serve its own party's best interest -- OR -- rise above rank party politics and serve the well-being of the nation as a whole.
In case anyone has forgotten, the United States is comprised of over 305,000,000 citizens whose lives are effected by every new federal law, every treaty, every new expenditure, every currency fluctuation -- all of which are determined by every 'yay' and 'nay' vote cast in the U. S. House and Senate. In spite of a 2-party system that has grown accustomed to U. S. Representatives and U. S. Senators voting for party solidarity by voting the 'party line', Democrat and Republican ideologies and desires do not represent all the people.
A May 2009 Pew Poll reported: "average of surveys conducted this year, 36% say they are independents, 35% are Democrats, while 23% are Republicans."
Yep, at that time 36% identified themselves as Independents who are not beholding to any party. A number that has surely grown (although hard to verify) given recent poll number showing a 76% disapproval rating for Congress and dropping ratings for President Obama across the board.
So how are the Congressionally Disenfranchised being represented by a Democrat-controlled White House and Congress?
To put it bluntly, they aren't.
Independent voters - similar to the 1.4++ Million active duty members of the U. S. Military - are not on the radar screen except as potential voters who can be swayed to elect another Democrat or Republican in 2010 and 2012 elections. Potential voters who will be wooed and possibly seduced again by sleight-of-hand trickery designed to disguise fiction as fact such as attempting to conceal more deficit spending for economic stimulation as being something other than one more costly 'stimulus' program. (SEE: Pelosi Refuses to Call New Spending Another Stimulus Package.)
The 2 burning issues of the day: Health Care Reform and the Obama Paralytic Tapdance over much-needed troop support for Afghanistan.
On Health Care
Traditional media, insurance and medical industry analysts, and plenty of "pajama bloggers" are covering the Health Care debate. And numerous credible sources are fact-checking information as it unfolds. And plenty of political action groups and events are available for anyone who wants to get actively involved. So what can be added to this thorny topic? Speaking as an average citizen -- not going left or right:
Mr. Obama has the opportunity to distinguish himself as something far more than the first African-American president or the first sitting president to ever appear on Letterman. He has a singular and rare opportunity to actually act in the best interest of the nation as a whole. He can stop serving factional interests any time he so chooses. He can -- if willing -- start serving the American people without regard to their race, creed, or color. More urgently he could -- if willing --stop pitting factions against each other at a time when the nation desperately needs political unification by credible leaders.
He could stop beating the drum for more deficit spending. He could -- if willing -- elaborate about the process that led him to determine that health care reform without tort reform first is the best possible way to reduce un-necessary medical spending.
He could - if willing - provide substantiated facts resulting from diligent research that detail the proposed Medicare cuts. Something desperately needed if only to ease the concerns of the elderly who will bear the brunt of any change to Medicare.. He could - if willing - end all arguments around health care by demonstrating the wisdom and depth of his plan -- not by repeating orchestrated messages, but by providing facts that everyone can examine and question.
He could do all these things and more, but he doesn't.
It is no wonder that conservative talk show hosts -- like Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, and Shawn Hannity -- question both his actions and motives. As are more and more people who are bone weary of Democrat and Republican name-calling. Sound-byte hype just doesn't cut it any more. Especially as diversions to reasonable investigation into the consequences of proposed sweeping legislation before it is signed into law.
With news headlines like these below reporting more infantile cat fights on both sides of the aisle - it becomes more and more apparent that Democrats including Mr. Obama do not care about anyone or anything except those who toe the party line and support the left exclusively.U. S. Military In Harm's Way
Grayson: Republicans are 'the enemy of America'
Today: Grayson said on MSNBC that the GOP is the enemy of anybody who wants "anything good for this country," including health care reform, climate change legislation and "certainly the enemy of peace."
Do What They're Told: Obama takes a swipe at GOP
"Democrats are an opinionated bunch. You know, the other side, they just kinda sometimes do what they're told. Democrats, y'all thinkin' for yourselves."
1.4+ Million U.S. citizens are currently serving on active duty in the U. S. Armed Forces. While they do not constitute a large enough voting block to influence Republicans or Democrats with promises of future votes, these people are the sons, daughters, sisters and brothers of other voters who understand that when Mr. Obama as Commander-In-Chief of the Armed Forces delays and delays sending requested troops to secure not only the goal, but to reduce escalating troop casualties something is not just amiss... it is flat-out broken.
The loss of one more American soldier's life on an Afghanistan battlefield that could have been prevented by increased troop strength is a heavy burden for anyone to bear.
54 days have elapsed since General McChrystal requested additional troops.
On Tuesday, October 20th, Lance Cpl. David R. Baker of Painesville OH was killed in Operation Enduring Freedom / Afghanistan. He is 39th American soldier who lost his life in October. 70 others lost their lives in September.
54 days is a long time to a soldier fighting a war. It is a long time to parents, friends and family who carry a 24/7 burden of concern for all who are serving in combat zones. And it is an agonizingly long time for a general to wait for an answer from his commander-in-chief on a matter he feels is not only urgent, but one that will keep costing soldier's lives with every passing day.
During this time, Mr. Obama has tapdanced his way across television studios, ballrooms, and town meeting halls -- telling jokes, entertaining the plain folk, and pushing Health Care tweaked-speak sound-bytes in front of every camera that would record and broadcast his words without question.
As criticism over stalling tactics began to mount, the public was treated to some film footage of Situation Room sessions that have still provided no answer to General McChrystal. Although to his credit, Obama gave a hushed nod to deploy 13,000 troops as a bandaid..
Sadly, the bandaids did not arrive in time to save Lance Cpl. Baker or the as yet to be identified soldier who died yesterday. His or her death brings the death toll to 40 for October as of the 21st.
Some Suggestions
- If you are an Independent voter or a disenchanted Repubican or Democrat, express your disapproval to those who currently represent you and your state..
- Express your disapproval to the White House.
- Express your disapproval to any media source that is endorsing and perpetuating Anita Dunn and company "TWEAKED SPEAK".
- Vote for the most honest and able new representation available in 2010 elections.
- Rally around and support the most honest and able potential presidential candidate you can find for the 2012 presidential campaign.
Sadly, the rotten fruit in both parties do not care about the middle Independent or the Military. Though they will both gladly accept Visa, Master Card, Checks and Cash campaign contributions.
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