Saturday, July 24, 2010




(according to the writings of prophets –
Jakob Lorber {1840-1864} and Bertha Dudde - in the 20th century)


Translated from a German pamphlet,
written by Hans Seidel.
Bergstrasse 20,
1000 Berlin 20.

Published by Friends of the New Revelation

July 2000

The key for the solution of all life’s problems and mysteries is the Great Fall of the Spirits from Heaven before unimaginable times.

This great fall of the spirits is of such decisive meaning that it upturns all our concepts and lifts all things out of the hinges, for
without this ancient spiritual occurrence, there would be no material creation which only became necessary as a result of this event.

No one can give a truthful explanation about the meaning and purpose of existence to whom the knowledge about this historical event is unknown.

Whoever does not know the beginning of all things, cannot make for himself a true picture of the meaning and purpose of human existence, and will always be pointed towards hypotheses and, therefore, never clearly recognize the final aim. Even if the most ingenious researchers, scientists and theologians make efforts, they will always only come to subjective, illusory conclusions, because the intellect alone is always only capable of mastering the physical and worldly problems and never - out of itself - can take in and grasp something purely spiritual.

Therefore, humanity is always pointed to divine teachings and revelations, especially when it concerns pre-human times and purely spiritual and heavenly things. Without the Word of God, the “bread of eternal life”, all human efforts to clarify these questions of life are only fragmentary.

Our humanity finds itself, therefore, in the same spiritual situation as the cinema-goer who gets to see a short preview of the coming movie, but cannot rightly imagine the actions and connections because the beginning of the event has remained unknown to him.

Here, the saying of the enlightened Goethe confirms itself:

“For an insight into the smallest part,
an overview of the whole is essential”.

Endless times before the material creation, first there arose - the spiritual world! For God is Spirit - and His creations are spiritual worlds!

At the beginning of all existence, GOD alone existed - HE is a Spirit which fills all infinity. HE is, in HIMSELF, pure love - and love always strives to give itself away, to love - but also has the desire to be loved.

Since God stood completely alone with His love, but He also possessed the Wisdom and Power, in order to fulfill His desire for love, He thus created for Himself a first spirit-being who, in miniature, corresponded completely to His Being. HE, until then, the only Being in infinity, thus placed a small part out of Himself into the spiritual space. Therewith existed now a second being - the first created spiritual being - for God Himself is an un-created spiritual being, who is without beginning and end.

Thus God created a being for Himself to whom He could give His love, but who could also return his love to God, which led to mutual bliss. The relationship between God and His, by Him created, spiritual being had, certainly, through the difference between both - an existing disadvantage which lay therein, that God could see His created being, but it could not see God. This, however, is unalterable, for God fills the whole of infinity with His Being, thus He is infinite - but a created spiritual being is not infinite, since it is only a part out of God. However, the infinite could, and can, see the finite, the finite or created (being) could not and cannot see the Infinite.

Notwithstanding this, God, as well as the first spiritual being, were filled with, for us unimaginable, bliss - since God loaned to this being the ability to create countless, similar to himself, spiritual beings. This first spirit or, as we could say - angel, received from God the name Lucifer, which means - the light-bearer. He should have, or better said, was allowed to carry the light of love into the infinite spaces of the Godhead.

Thus Lucifer was something like a woman to a man, He was the positive counter-pole to God - the emphasis lies upon positive and counter-pole. Thus both were positive - the difference existed only in that God was un-created, but Lucifer was created by God - and nothing negative could come out of God - thus also Lucifer was positive from the beginning.

However, God did not create Lucifer like a puppet which had to act as God willed, but He gave Lucifer complete freedom of will, so that this one could, certainly, remain positive but also - out of his free will - act against God’s will, but then also become negative thereby.

Originally, Lucifer remained positive for a long time - eternities for us - that is, he acted according to the will of God, and created, with his will - under the assistance of the power of God - an infinite host of spirits completely similar to himself. This free creating prepared a continually increasing bliss to Lucifer and also to God.

Yet, just as is still today, that each gladly wants to be the first, thus was also already in the spirit world. Lucifer, who was certainly the first spiritual being, was not content with it - he himself wanted to be like God - he wanted to claim, for himself alone, the veneration, the love, the adoration which belonged to God. He did not remain humble, but became proud.

And since the, out of Lucifer’s will stemming, countless spirit legions could see God just as little as Lucifer, but Lucifer was visible to the rest of the legions of spirits, so it was possible for Lucifer to make many of the spirit-beings believe that he was the true God.

This was a lie - and it was born out of the will of Lucifer and thereby he became the father of lies - out of Lucifer became Satan; out of the carrier of light became the disseminator or darkness.

Thus now arose out of the positive contrary pole the negative contrary pole of God.

This development to a negative counter-pole of God did not occur in a moment - it happened within endlessly-long time periods. - Lucifer, together with those who followed him, distanced himself continually farther away from Truth and, thereby, from God. But to distance oneself from God means to also distance oneself from Love, as well as from Wisdom. For God is not only the highest Love, but also the fullest-of-light Wisdom.

Whoever distances himself from love grows cold - for Love is equal to warmth, but lovelessness is equal to cold. And whoever distances himself from divine Wisdom, automatically goes into darkness, since Wisdom equals light - and falsehood and untruth is equal to darkness.

The spirit beings that did not believe the lie of Satan remained in the light, and those who followed Lucifer went over with him, more and more, into darkness. The spirit beings, or angels, who continued to give their love to God, remained in the love-warmth of God and, thereby, in Life.

Those angels, however, who gave their love to Lucifer could no longer be reached by the love-warmth of God, and so they became more and more rigid, thus they went over from Life into Death.

The followers of Lucifer, or now rather - Satan, went thus, out of free will, away from Life and entered with it into the condition of death. But God’s love had compassion on His erring creatures and His Wisdom saw a way upon which the from-Him-fallen-away could return to Him, even if this should require eternities.

God’s Love and Wisdom grasped the erring, once-had-been beings of light, divided them into soul sparks (particles) - into the original building blocks and created therefrom the material creation.

In Moses this intervention of God is described with these words: “And God divided the light from the darkness.”

Jesus adds: “That was even for Me, the Almighty and the Most High, infinitely wise Creator, no easy problem, not a trivial thing some philosophical fools dream of. For if I let them be destroyed, then also for Me it means death. If I lead them back, then the untouchable holiness of My original eternal order is endangered. What was and is to be done here? See, the solution of this great problem lies even now before your eyes and many eternities will not be done with it.” (Heavenly Gifts, Ch. II, p.135)

The material creation is thus not a favorite formation of God, but a very painful solution of necessity, since it had to be the imprisonment of His evilly-minded creatures. And what father would have joy in placing a part of his children into strait-jackets and building for them a so-called “lunatic asylum” as a reformatory. But that this “house of correction” is so full of wonders and even outwardly so glorious and full of wisdom, it lets us surmise how unendingly greater and more glorious will be the spiritual creations of God which we later, as purified children of God, will inherit and even co-create.

And it is precisely upon our earth that the great, evil spirit of Satan is imprisoned. And a great number of his assistants came up to humanity for the task assigned for them by Satan, but only under the permission of God, in order to test us - to see upon which side we, with our free will as humans, will place ourselves. Therefore, they do not leave any means untried through which some soul could be trapped for the court of the prince of all iniquity. They confused and misled the people with false teachings and orders, and created sickness, possession and misery.

After this instruction, it should dawn on every clear-seeing person that this great spirit-fall from heaven is so extremely meaningful and decisive for us, that every person should have knowledge of it and not only those who occupy themselves earnestly with the problems of earthly life. For this fall of the spirits is so generally applicable because it works out with every individual person today, precisely as in the grey times of antiquity.

But it is at this fall of the spirits that we can discover also the origin of evil which was placed into the world through the wrongly-directed freedom of will of the once-existing light-bearer.

Each person can convince himself of it during daily management of his affairs as to how often he is pointed to the good, positive counter-force and feels it to be desirable and pleasant, whereas the evil, negative counter-forces always work out only maliciously, harmfully and destructively.

It is not only our earth that is a part of the chained souls of the camp-followers and successors of Satan, but also all other countless world-bodies are formed out of this great host of the divided fallen souls. All other world bodies, however do not stand so much under the direct influence of Satan and his helpers as our earth, since they also were rather camp-followers than adherents of Satan and, therefore, also did not burden themselves with so much guilt.

For this reason, the salvation of all souls out of the dominion of Satan could and had to be fought out precisely only here, upon our earth. Since the attempt for it with Adam failed, the Godhead in Jesus had to struggle upon the cross for the release and return of the souls of good will.

Because spirit and matter are the greatest imaginable contrarieties, the spirit could only gain victory if the flesh (matter) were to be crucified. A material victory would have been, consequently, a spiritual defeat. This great spiritual victory is only now, through the knowledge of the great fall of the spirits, rightly understood.

But since our religious knowledge begins only with Adam, 6000 years ago, the knowledge about the fall of the spirits occurring in the grey antiquity is not available.

For this deficiency we can thank the Jewish priest-caste who have withheld from the people, out of ambitious and gain-seeking grounds, the two most important books of Moses, the 6th and 7th books, with a large prophetic supplement, where all these ancient creation-events and conditions - from their beginning until their complete consummation - were made known. These so-important writings have presumably been lost at the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple of Salomon.

Here it must be exposed that the, nowadays offered in the trade, supposedly 6th and 7th books of Moses are only spirit productions of little worth which do not have the least connection with the missing writings of the same name.

We have a reference of Jesus about it only in the “parable of the Prodigal son” in our New Testament, but without being able to understand it in its full extent and depth.

The knowledge of the great fall of the spirits from heaven is so important, because each and every human soul has the task, as a “prodigal son”, to return to the eternal father-house. And, therefore, every soul must undergo, anew, the test of faith which it failed to pass at that time, and thus fell into temporal matter.

After the long journey of our soul particles, rising through all the nature realms, in the law of ‘must’, we have now been given, anew, as man, the end product and “crown of creation” since Adam, through the breath of God, the complete freedom of will, and have the great task to decide - and this time better than then - for the invisible, the good, the true and eternal, in order to be able to return to the eternal heavenly regions where there is no more misery and no death.

This decision is more difficult for us today than at the time when we were still pure and blameless spirits, while we now, as sinful and mortal beings, are burdened with a false inherited education and have to repeat this decision. All our schooling and development methods are only directed towards the temporary life or the body, its gain and preservation.

Because of the fact that our earth is the realm of all kinds of evil spirits, the seat of the prince of hell, Satan, it is only here that the highest education and preservation of all souls for the childhood of God of the new heavens is possible, which can be recognized in the special placing of our planet in the whole of creation space.

The more evil and rebellious the spirits of hell were, the more firmly they had to be imprisoned in the hardest matter, just as we also have to do with our criminals.

In the unknowing about the spiritual connections, the essence of matter, its arising, and what it contains, our scientists are now hoping to create for us energy which we supposedly badly need, precisely out of the hardest matter, such as is uranium, where the most terrible, the most furious and destructive spirits are to be captured through the premature release of them.

But, regrettably, to all of them is lacking the so urgently necessary knowledge about the great fall of the spirits into matter. None of them ask whether what they are releasing is according to the intention of God, and thus the disaster takes its unstoppable course.

One is reminded here about the “sorcerer’s apprentice” of Goethe: “Woe, woe - I cannot get rid of the spirits which I called!”

Namely, they still do not know that they, with their atomic science have penetrated into the spiritual world, but not into the heavenly, but into the hellish one, where there is only immeasurable disorder!

For this discovery of the uncertainty factors of the electrons, the physicist Werner Heisenberg, has already received the Nobel prize.

At the beginning of our century (20th), three elementary parts of the atom were known; today there are over one hundred of them. How many will there still be discovered?!

With the splitting of the atom, hellish spirit-forces become free which cannot be captured and held in check, as are the atomic particles of the neutrons that can go unhindered wherever they want to. And how many of such similar spirit-particles will there be still which are not known up until now?!

One should consider that here it is a matter of powerful and evil spiritual forces that are released which, according to spiritual law of “like attracts like”, connect with similar evil-minded human souls and make them still more evil than they were already.

One can here speak of regular possession!

Even with the most peaceful use of the atomic energy there is no stopping of these released hellish forces, and thereby the continually growing radicalization of the order of our society cannot be arrested. The rioting people are strengthened in their devilish intentions in such a way that the world becomes continually more criminal and, in the end, completely ungovernable.

Regrettably, this will only be seen and recognized when it is too late. Then one can only pray: “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do.”

For the activation of the available harmless biological energy sources, the necessary knowledge is, again, lacking, but also the intention to want to consider the wrong investments of industry. And thus everything rushes towards the unavoidable end with the maxim: “After us - the Flood!”

From all that which has been presented, it should be evident of what enormous importance the great spirit-fall from heaven is for us all. For the collective problems of life - worries, distresses and terrors are all released solely by this, and have their evil source therein.

Therefore, everyone should feel responsible to disseminate this truth as quickly as possible, because this knowledge reaches into the most personal concerns of each and everyone.

All of our world and life’s comprehension is turned upside down by it, yes - all our imaginations about existence must, in this light,
be recognized as completely false! Namely, everything is completely different! Only the complete reversal of all temporary things and discoveries is right! For through the fact of this great fall of the spirits, all things are completely turned upside down!

For what we here, on earth, call “Life” is, in truth, to be “in death”, and eternal life is to be found precisely there where we perceive death.

For we live here in the realm of the rule of Satan, in the hell of temporality, of instability, in all kinds of misery - and of having to die. The temporary life is only the inferior, judged ‘life of incarceration’ in matter - in the flesh, in which we are imprisoned.

Only now does it begin to dawn on us what it means: ‘only the Truth shall make you free!’

But only the eternal Truth is valid, has stability, and is worth striving for!

Every child already knows that we, here upon earth, do not live in eternal life, and also every news-organ and every world-chronicle allow us to recognize it only too easily.

Our journey through life is only a school, in order to again recognize eternal life, to allow it to grow great within us and, as far as possible, to live it already here!

Then it becomes clear: Every self-love and self-seeking is temporary and hellish, and only the unselfish and giving spiritual love is heavenly and eternal. We are not here in order to enjoy the world, but to renounce it!

Therefore, for the knowing, it is incomprehensible that so many people, with all their desires and strength, cling to this hellish life, do not wish to give it up, and still hope for much ‘good’ from Satan, so that they can enjoy hell for a long time, and enjoy it to the full.

This ignorance about the true facts, however, means the greatest danger for the life in the beyond, for they have thereby already here decided for Satan and his temporary kingdom. They again come into complete darkness and lose their bliss which was within their grasp. Yet, we live here precisely for the free decision - for light or darkness, for good or evil, for God or Satan, for we should again prepare and decide for God and His eternal Kingdom.

Out of the spiritual ignorance and darkness, we should enter the light of eternal life, to Him who says:

‘I am the Light of the world,
whoever follows me,
he will not wander in darkness,
but will have the light of eternal life!’
Considered in this light, there shines the word of
James 4,4:
‘whoever is the friend of the world,
is an enemy of God!’
in the brightest truth, for God and the world
are the greatest contradictions -
which should never be forgotten.

A general fall of the spirits takes place even today with each and every human soul which, in spite of the best instruction, does not want to know anything about God and does not make any effort to guide their life according to the divine love-order.

Herewith may, certainly, be sufficiently clarified the

o r i g i n a l s i n

let loose through Satan who caused the great fall of the spirits from heaven and who later, as Sadhana, in the ‘serpent’, upon a human foundation, over Eve, caused -

I n h e r i t e d S i n

which then occasioned also the fall from paradise! Without the original sin, there would have been no inherited sin, which is only comprehensible as a further consequence of this original sin.

Finally, we would like to remember, with deep gratitude The New Word of God which has given us all the insight to unveil the mystery of matter and its dangers and to clear the right way for returning to the eternal Father-house. May this message go out with the blessing of our heavenly Father and to contribute its part, so that the ignorance is removed and the Light of Eternal Truth can shine brightly into all hearts, so that very many souls are kept from harm and can be saved! May God reign in this!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Political Correctness - The Tool of Cowards

In the aftermath of the Fort Hood massacre, the American public has, once again, been injected by another poisionous dose of governmental "tweaked speak" as a way of diverting attention from the simple facts leading up to this cold blooded slaughter. As more evidence about the shooter's history is revealed, the alarming assault upon one's sensibilities is NOT the fact that a radical Islamic devotee undertook a bold suicide mission to eradicate the enemy. No, the American public well understands that in a time of war against an enemy that utilizes suicide missions as a prized and effective weapon, there is little, if any difference between Major Hassan's brutal attack and the suicidal Japanese pilots who sacrificed their lives during World War II in order to assure their explosive-laden planes hit their targets. War, by definition of exterminating the enemy, means people are killed .

What shocks those who have not yet become completely anesthetized by the unrelenting stream of distortion flowing from reporting lips in Washington DC is the stumbling and albeit heavily postured response by the Obama administration to this stark reminder that America is, indeed, engaged in 2 foreign wars against enemies who will say and do anything to further their cause. And the almost laughable way this event - like so many others - is being portrayed to the public as if the public is made up of simple-minded, sheeple people who will believe any scripted sound-byte handed out to them as a rational explanation of how things are or why things happen.

Where publicly available news is concerned, the much-needed brash "if you build it, they will come" attitude that characterizes unbiased and forthright fact finding has been replaced, yet again, by a twisted parody of "if you say it, they will believe it" deviance. In this instance, we are told that Major Hassan's slaughter house killings were not the act of a jihadist. Rather, this tragedy is presented as the inevitable consequence of a mentally unbalanced soldier who suffered from undiagnosed PTSD. And that it should be swept under the rug in the name of maintaining social diversity. A silly notion in a long string of other inventive explanations that might have slipped past the public radar if not for mounting contradictory evidence that tells the tale of a devout man who admired suicide bombers and sought to educate those around him about the dangers of entertaining secular devotees who believe their enemies must be annihilated. An ignored forewarning by one and all who were prompted by self-serving fears to follow a social mandate of political correctness versus the natural plainspokeness that is necessary to protect the greater good. Errors in judgment that ultimately cost 13 people their lives; and -- in the larger sense, a reprehensible testimony about the all too pervasive habit in social and governmental cultures that demand the suppression of natural honesty in order for its members to advance or find favor.

In spite of how many blatant Washington lies have been exposed in recent months, it is still hard to believe that national leaders and the media entrusted to accurately report factual news continue to foolishly compromise on honesty by playing a man-made game of deception they call political correctness. A game of "tweaked speak" that when viewed dispassionately reveals itself as the nasty habit of cowardly deceivers whose every utterance is a deliberate political expediency to gain something for themselves.

Sadly, there is a striking parallel between news media personalities who knowingly engage in skewed and biased reporting for the purpose of enabling a political administration to unceasingly present falsehood as truth and those who would harm or destroy the nation by insinuating themselves into traditional roles for the purposes of inflicting as much damage as is possible on their enemy. The same can be said about a political administration that habitually panders misinformation to the populace while positioning itself as the moral exemplar of ethical behavior even though it endorses duplicity and utilizes intimidation to threaten or punish all who would question the veracity of its obvious fabrications.

Shameful as these comparisons may be, this latest tap dance to avoid facing the realities of war in favor of politically expedient insincerity coupled with today's feeble excuses for an even longer delay in decisive military action in Afghanistan are reminiscent of the many reasons cited by Hillary Clinton during the 2008 presidential campaign about why then candidate Obama was unfit for the high office of Commander-In-Chief. In the matter of Major Hassan or foot dragging over increasing troop strength in Afghanistan, President Obama is simply conducting business as he always has -- speaking whatever words are necessary to manipulate an outcome favorable to himself.

Over the last 32 months since Mr. Obama first announced his presidential candidacy in February 2007, the public has been told every imaginable story and spin on issues ranging from healthcare to homosexuality If the latest Rasmussen approval poll is any indicator, 70% of the voting public is finally catching on that something is terribly amiss in the White House.

Whatever members of the U. S. Government who still possess something of a spiritual conscience or a shred of authentic patriotism must eventually grow weary of the constant deceptions that characterize the way the nation is being governed. May they soon join the ranks of the disenfranchised voters who do not approve of President Obama's job performance since it does not seem that Mr. Obama will soon discover the folly of attempting to lead the nation using inventive stories that do not hold up under scrutiny.

The trust of the American people is the single-most precious asset for any sitting president. It is not lightly given, and when betrayed by corruption and pandering to special interests - especially in the guise of political correctness, the consequences do not bode well for the nation or the public.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Justice concludes black voters need Democratic Party - Washington Times

Justice concludes black voters need Democratic Party - Washington Times

Comment: Another "shocking" news item that has not been well reported or reported at all by mainstream media.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Go Left... No! Go Right...

What About The Middle?

To thoughtful Americans, every administration comes to a critical moment and a burning issue where leadership must choose whether to serve its own party's best interest -- OR -- rise above rank party politics and serve the well-being of the nation as a whole.

In case anyone has forgotten, the United States is comprised of over 305,000,000 citizens whose lives are effected by every new federal law, every treaty, every new expenditure, every currency fluctuation -- all of which are determined by every 'yay' and 'nay' vote cast in the U. S. House and Senate. In spite of a 2-party system that has grown accustomed to U. S. Representatives and U. S. Senators voting for party solidarity by voting the 'party line', Democrat and Republican ideologies and desires do not represent all the people.

A May 2009 Pew Poll reported: "average of surveys conducted this year, 36% say they are independents, 35% are Democrats, while 23% are Republicans."

Yep, at that time 36% identified themselves as Independents who are not beholding to any party. A number that has surely grown (although hard to verify) given recent poll number showing a 76% disapproval rating for Congress and dropping ratings for President Obama across the board.

So how are the Congressionally Disenfranchised being represented by a Democrat-controlled White House and Congress?

To put it bluntly, they aren't.

Independent voters - similar to the 1.4++ Million active duty members of the U. S. Military - are not on the radar screen except as potential voters who can be swayed to elect another Democrat or Republican in 2010 and 2012 elections. Potential voters who will be wooed and possibly seduced again by sleight-of-hand trickery designed to disguise fiction as fact such as attempting to conceal more deficit spending for economic stimulation as being something other than one more costly 'stimulus' program. (SEE: Pelosi Refuses to Call New Spending Another Stimulus Package.)

The 2 burning issues of the day: Health Care Reform and the Obama Paralytic Tapdance over much-needed troop support for Afghanistan.

On Health Care
Traditional media, insurance and medical industry analysts, and plenty of "pajama bloggers" are covering the Health Care debate. And numerous credible sources are fact-checking information as it unfolds. And plenty of political action groups and events are available for anyone who wants to get actively involved.  So what can be added to this thorny topic?  Speaking as an average citizen -- not going left or right:
Mr. Obama has the opportunity to distinguish himself as something far more than the first African-American president or the first sitting president to ever appear on Letterman. He has a singular and rare opportunity to actually act in the best interest of the nation as a whole. He can stop serving factional interests any time he so chooses. He can -- if willing -- start serving the American people without regard to their race, creed, or color.   More urgently he could -- if willing --stop pitting factions against each other at a time when the nation desperately needs political unification by credible leaders.

He could stop beating the drum for more deficit spending. He could -- if willing -- elaborate about the process that led him to determine that health care reform without tort reform first is the best possible way to reduce un-necessary medical spending.
He could - if willing - provide substantiated facts resulting from diligent research that detail the proposed Medicare cuts. Something desperately needed if only to ease the concerns of the elderly who will bear the brunt of any change to Medicare.. He could - if willing - end all arguments around health care by demonstrating the wisdom and depth of his plan -- not by repeating orchestrated messages, but by providing facts that everyone can examine and question.

He could do all these things and more, but he doesn't.
It is no wonder that conservative talk show hosts -- like Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, and Shawn Hannity -- question both his actions and motives. As are more and more people who are bone weary of Democrat and Republican name-calling. Sound-byte hype just doesn't cut it any more. Especially as diversions to reasonable investigation into the consequences of proposed sweeping legislation before it is signed into law.
With news headlines like these below reporting more infantile cat fights on both sides of the aisle - it becomes more and more apparent that Democrats including Mr. Obama do not care about anyone or anything except those who toe the party line and support the left exclusively.

Grayson: Republicans are 'the enemy of America'
Today: Grayson said on MSNBC that the GOP is the enemy of anybody who wants "anything good for this country," including health care reform, climate change legislation and "certainly the enemy of peace."

Do What They're Told: Obama takes a swipe at GOP
"Democrats are an opinionated bunch. You know, the other side, they just kinda sometimes do what they're told. Democrats, y'all thinkin' for yourselves."
U. S. Military In Harm's Way
1.4+ Million U.S. citizens are currently serving on active duty in the U. S. Armed Forces. While they do not constitute a large enough voting block to influence Republicans or Democrats with promises of future votes, these people are the sons, daughters, sisters and brothers of other voters who understand that when Mr. Obama as Commander-In-Chief of the Armed Forces delays and delays sending requested troops to secure not only the goal, but to reduce escalating troop casualties something is not just amiss... it is flat-out broken.

The loss of one more American soldier's life on an Afghanistan battlefield that could have been prevented by increased troop strength is a heavy burden for anyone to bear. 

54 days have elapsed since General McChrystal requested additional troops.

On Tuesday, October 20th, Lance Cpl. David R. Baker of Painesville OH was killed in Operation Enduring Freedom / Afghanistan. He is 39th American soldier who lost his life in October. 70 others lost their lives in September.

54 days is a long time to a soldier fighting a war. It is a long time to parents, friends and family who carry a 24/7 burden of concern for all who are serving in combat zones. And it is an agonizingly long time for a general to wait for an answer from his commander-in-chief on a matter he feels is not only urgent, but one that will keep costing soldier's lives with every passing day.

During this time, Mr. Obama has tapdanced his way across television studios, ballrooms, and town meeting halls -- telling jokes, entertaining the plain folk, and pushing Health Care tweaked-speak sound-bytes in front of every camera that would record and broadcast his words without question.

As criticism over stalling tactics began to mount, the public was treated to some film footage of Situation Room sessions that have still provided no answer to General McChrystal. Although to his credit, Obama gave a hushed nod to deploy 13,000 troops as a bandaid..
Sadly, the bandaids did not arrive in time to save Lance Cpl. Baker or the as yet to be identified soldier who died yesterday. His or her death brings the death toll to 40 for October as of the 21st.

Some Suggestions

  1. If you are an Independent voter or a disenchanted Repubican or Democrat, express your disapproval to those who currently represent you and your state..
  2. Express your disapproval to the White House.
  3. Express your disapproval to any media source that is endorsing and perpetuating Anita Dunn and company "TWEAKED SPEAK".
  4. Vote for the most honest and able new representation available in 2010 elections.
  5. Rally around and support the most honest and able potential presidential candidate you can find for the 2012 presidential campaign.
In the meantime, the addage: "You will know them by their fruits" is a timely reminder that when reasonable and legitimate questions by anyone who will suffer the consequences spawned by another's decisions are met with sharp-tongued invective and obscuration, the fruit is rotten.

Sadly, the rotten fruit in both parties do not care about the middle Independent or the Military.  Though they will both gladly accept Visa, Master Card, Checks and Cash campaign contributions.  

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Hoodwinked by Propaganda

Fool me once, shame on you...fool me twice, shame on me

The Anita Dunn video about how "selectively enhanced" information carried the day for the Obama presidential campaign is another powerful warning to the nation about the dangers of tolerating any more glib politcal posturing that is characterized by invective, personal attacks, and vague generalities as way of obstructing fact-based, lucid debate about the critical issues of the day.

In the video, Dunn outlines the Obama strategy of controlling the media and hence the public through selectively presented information as the winning fundamental of their campaign. By her very words, Anita Dunn is a self-admitted propagandist. One who - through her own gift for gab - has placed herself and those she represents in the ranks of other nation-changing propagandists such as Hitler, Stalin, and Chairman Mao who relied upon disinformation schemes to seduce the populations of Germany, Russia, and China respectively.

Dunn's revelation also goes a long way in explaining her summarily dismissive response to yet another inquiry about a June 2009 speech she gave to impressionable graduating high school students in which she named Mao Tse Tung as one of her 2 most trusted philosophical exemplars. Her response to Glenn Beck's queries was to say references to Mao were an ironic, meaningless play she called  a joke, even though her speech presented Mao as a source of inspiration for these student to carry with them into the future.

As repeated by many in recent days, Dunn's candid comments in these videos are premonitions of things to come if the majority of American people continue to accept "selectively enhanced" mis-speak from the White House or Congress. Though, to her possible dismay, they have also provided much-needed insight into Obama's mystifying reluctance to assume the mantle of governance and  explains his disposition for creating a list of domestic 'enemies' who need to be silenced.

Dunn's description of how then candidate Obama was deliberately kept away from the media except as permitted to deliver calculated remarks suggests that the criticism made about his continuing campaign-mode even after inauguration is not without merit.  When all that matters regarding the public well-being is the sound-byte, not the substance behind it, then we can expect that Obama and his teleprompter will continue their uninterrupted publicity tour while the nation languishes from presidential neglect.

What the average citizen "gets" is that Dunn's instructive comments implies that these very same campaign tricks have been carried over to the governance of the nation.  They tell us to be wary of being hoodwinked again.  And urge the studious to read for themselves how propaganda shapes the fate of nations. 

The research article PROPAGANDA TECHNIQUES OF GERMAN FASCISM(1) details how Hitler successfully used the following propaganda strategies that when placed in today's context bear an uncanny resemblance to the posture and conduct of the Obama campaign and now the White House:
  1. "Name Calling" is a device to make us form a judgment without examining the evidence on which it should be based. Here the propagandist appeals to our hate and fear.
  2. "Glittering Generalities" is a device by which the propagandist identifies his program with virtue by use of "virtue words." Here he appeals to our emotions of love, generosity, and brotherhood.
  3.  "Transfer" is a device by which the propagandist carries over the authority, sanction, and prestige of something we respect and revere to something he would have us accept.
  4. The "Testimonial" is a device to make us accept anything from a patent medicine or a cigarette to a program of national policy.
  5. "Plain Folks" is a device used by politicians, labor leaders, business men, and even by ministers and educators to win our confidence by appearing to be people like ourselves—"just plain folks among the neighbors."
  6. "Card Stacking" is a device in which the propagandist employs all the arts of deception to win our support for himself, his group, nation, race, policy, practice, belief, or ideal. He stacks the cards against the truth. He uses under-emphasis and over-emphasis to dodge issues and evade facts.
  7. The "Band Wagon" is a device to make us follow the crowd, to accept the propagandist's program en masse. Here his theme is: "Everybody's doing it." His techniques range from those of medicine show to dramatic spectacle.
Sound familiar?

Considering all of that together with the five major phenomena characteristics of Fascism in Germany (listed below), one cannot turn a blind eye to rapidly evolving national events.
  1.  The destruction of labor unions.
  2. The destruction of "free enterprise" to bring business under the absolute control of the Führer.
  3. The destruction of "free enterprise" in agriculture.
  4. The destruction or silencing of members of the intellectual class—editors, professors, teachers, clergymen and others who by reason of native gifts, training, education, and experience are among the best equipped to analyze and appraise the policies and acts of the Führer and the hierarchy of Nazi officials.
  5. A monopoly of propaganda, accompanied by coercion, to keep all the people subservient to the authoritarian will.
Dunn and company have already set a dangerous precedent for future campaign hopefuls who, by emulating a campaign strategy based on trickery, will ensure ethics and morality have no further place in the annals of American politics.

It behooves all thoughtful Americans to consider the many countries where populations are suffering the whims and fancies of despotic rule before dismissing due consideration to the many warning signals that something is truly amiss in the halls of the American government.

Today, Republican Senator Lamar Alexander (TN), who served in the Nixon White House, provides his observations about the dangers of today's unsavory political climate in this Roll Call article: Alexander to White House: Don't Create 'Enemies List' in which he describes some of the White House tactics that are deliberately being used to discredit anyone who objects to their policies. That's No. 4 on the list of Characteristics of Fascism in Germany.

Even more perilous is the interlude between now and 2010 elections when more bail-outs and costly entitlement programs can and will be signed into law unless the American public stops it now by petitioning the government with their grievances and concerns.

Today, Roll Call also reports: Pelosi Refuses to Call New Spending Another Stimulus Package. That sure smells like a hybrid of "Card Stacking" and "Testimonal" given this excerpt: " After trotting out a handful of economists who each backed another stimulus package, Pelosi said Democrats would consider a host of ideas to spend more money and cut taxes next year."

Yep, false campaign promises fooled a lot of plain folks. But dropping presidential approval ratings and party defections offer the promise that people of good conscience will speak up before it is, indeed, too late.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009 last!

"oh what a tangled web we weave when we first begin to deceive.."

2009: October 18 Headline: White House Boasts: We 'control' news media - Communications chief offers shocking confession to foreign government - contains a video that is well-worth watching by anyone who is concerned about the Obama administration's mystifying refusal to meet the public's growing questions with forthright and honest answers.

The video is an accurate record of remarks made by Anita Dunn, the White House spokesperson who recently shocked some in the nation with her startling announcement that the Obama administration has just declared war on a new adversarial entity - FOX News.

Yes, you heard that right. A war that escalated over the weekend with 2 more White House spokespeople, Rahm Emmanuel and David Axelrod, publicly imploring other news networks, media outlets, and journalists to NOT follow FOX's lead in investigating matters that can and will effect 305+ Million U.S. Citizens. Matters such as health care reform, rising debt, the safety of troops in Afghanistan and more. A request that appalled many, including journalists, as it should since it was a plea to the media at large to turn a blind eye to the workings of the Obama adminstration.

Fortunately, Dunn's video comments explains in detail why the White House has proclaimed a domestic war on FOX News in addition to the foreign wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. They explain why Obama's closest advisors and representatives are taking to the national stage in a deliberate attempt to create a schism within the media community that can be widened by selectively branding networks and journalists as good guys or enemies based upon whether their reporting, editorials, and selection of talk shows are deemed "favorable" to the White House or not.

QUOTE: "Very rarely did we communicate through the press anything that we didn't absolutely control," said Dunn.

Take careful note of the word "control".

Captured on camera in an undeniable way, Ms. Dunn ticks off every step of how the success of Obama's campaign - first against Hillary Clinton and then against McCain - depended upon the tight control of what information was actually made available to the media. Media who would then broadcast those deliberately controlled messages to a public hungry for any information that could help them maked an informed voting decision. An admission that might be of some solace to Hillary Clinton who repeatedly complained about her opponent's disinformation tactics, but one that brings chills of horror to those who are so utterly weary of political trickery and schemes that they voted for Obama in hopes that he would, indeed, prove to be a man of his word - honest and true.

In spite of the heartbreak in discovering the sad fact that Barack Obama is no different than any other politician who has plotted and schemed his way into office on the wings of half-truths and cryptic sound-bytes, Dunn's video remarks provide the first blush of much-needed transparency into Obama's philosophy and approach to governing our large and diverse nation. To those whose first loyalty is to upholding the U. S. Constitution for the sake of all U.S. Citizens, this sobering behind-the-scenes peek is both an illuminating disclosure and further proof that a controlled media that unquestionably reports what it is fed by an individual, a group, or a government is the bedrock upon which every dictator and despot throughout history has founded his kingdom.

As Thomas Jefferson said:
"All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent."
Mindful of this timeless insight, in the days ahead - the poisonous weed of a government controlled media planted by Ms. Dunn and other contrivers during the Obama campaign years can be uprooted by swift and diligent investigative efforts and public reporting by any and all members of the media who refuse to blindly accept and propagate "selectively enhanced" information without question.

At this juncture, it might also serve the country well to review more of the insightful observations made by Hillary Clinton during her campaign since her complaints about dirty tricks are now proven true - courtesy of the Anita Dunn video.
"This is, you know, a, a — an unfortunate story line that the Obama campaign has pushed very successfully,” she said. “They’ve been putting out talking points. They’ve been making this — they’ve been telling people, in a very selective way, what the facts are.” ~ Hillary Clinton (Politico, Jan. 2008).
More so, it might well serve the country if Mrs. Clinton, in good conscience, stepped forward as a vocal public servant whose intimate knowledge about dirty politics and scheming ploys can help expedite a government that must become trustworthy enough to place the best interest of the nation as a whole ahead of divisive party politics serving highly selective special interest groups.

It is easy to muse that Hillary Clinton is far more palatable and probably far more useful to the American pubic in a new distinguished position such as Speaker of the House versus the vacuous Ms. Pelosi. And in times of war and economic struggle, the nation truly needs savvy fence-menders, not bumbling fence makers.

Perhaps Mrs. Clinton is one of the rare few who genuinely understands that the majority of citizens are fed up with immature bickering that consumes precious resources for the benefit of the few without any consideration for the anguish it is causing the American people. In fact, in an act of boldness, she might even articulate that such infantile antics are just a continuation of the same-o Obama story line: use any deterrent and any means whatsoever to obstruct authentic fact finding. Something that is both beneath the dignity of the Office of the President of the United States and an insult to the nation.

Monday, October 19, 2009

America's Most Fearful Peril

As seen by George Washington at Valley Forge, the winter of 1777

(excerpted from George Washington's Prophecy of America)

“Then my eyes beheld a fearful scene. From each of these continents arose thick black clouds that were soon joined into one. And throughout this mass there gleamed a dark red light by which I saw hordes of armed men. These men, moving with the cloud, marched by land and sailed by sea to America, which country was enveloped in the volume of cloud. And I dimly saw these vast armies devastate the whole country and ~ the villages, towns and cities which I had seen springing up.” “As my ears listened to the thundering of the cannon, clashing of the swords, and the shouts and cries of millions in mortal combat, I again heard the mysterious voice saying, ‘Son of the Republic, look and learn.” Where the voice had ceased, the dark shadowy angel placed his trumpet once more to his mouth, and blew a long and fearful blast.”

“Instantly a light as of a thousand suns shone down from above me, and pierced and broke into fragments the dark cloud which enveloped America. At the same moment the angel upon whose head still shown the word UNION, and who bore our national flag in one hand, and a sword in the other, descended from the heavens attended by, legions of white spirits. These immediately joined the inhabitants of America, who I perceived were well-nigh overcome, but who immediately taking courage again, closed up their broken ranks and renewed the battle.” “Again, amid the fearful noise of the conflict I heard the mysterious voice saying, ‘Son of the Republic, look and learn.’ As the voice ceased the shadowy angel for the last time dipped water from the ocean and sprinkled it upon America. Instantly the dark cloud rolled back, together with the armies it had brought, leaving the inhabitants of the land victorious.”

“Then once more, I beheld the villages, towns and cities springing up where I had seen them before, while the bright angel, planting the azure standard he had brought in the midst of them, cried with the loud voice: “While the stars remain, and the heaven send down dew upon the earth, so long shall the UNION last.” And taking from his brow the crown on which blazoned the word ‘UNION,’ he placed it upon the Standard while the people, kneeling down, said ‘Amen.”

The scene instantly began to fade and dissolve, and I, at last saw nothing but the rising, curling vapor I at first beheld. This also disappeared, and I found myself once more gazing upon the mysterious visitor, who, in the same voice I had heard before, said, ‘Son of the Republic, what you have seen is thus interpreted; Three great perils will come upon the Republic. The most fearful for her is the third. But the whole world united shall not prevail against her. Let every child of the Republic learn to live for his God, his land, and UNION” With these words the vision vanished, and I started from my seat and felt that I had seen a vision wherein had been shown me the birth, the progress, and the destiny of the United States.’”