What shocks those who have not yet become completely anesthetized by the unrelenting stream of distortion flowing from reporting lips in Washington DC is the stumbling and albeit heavily postured response by the Obama administration to this stark reminder that America is, indeed, engaged in 2 foreign wars against enemies who will say and do anything to further their cause. And the almost laughable way this event - like so many others - is being portrayed to the public as if the public is made up of simple-minded, sheeple people who will believe any scripted sound-byte handed out to them as a rational explanation of how things are or why things happen.
Where publicly available news is concerned, the much-needed brash "if you build it, they will come" attitude that characterizes unbiased and forthright fact finding has been replaced, yet again, by a twisted parody of "if you say it, they will believe it" deviance. In this instance, we are told that Major Hassan's slaughter house killings were not the act of a jihadist. Rather, this tragedy is presented as the inevitable consequence of a mentally unbalanced soldier who suffered from undiagnosed PTSD. And that it should be swept under the rug in the name of maintaining social diversity. A silly notion in a long string of other inventive explanations that might have slipped past the public radar if not for mounting contradictory evidence that tells the tale of a devout man who admired suicide bombers and sought to educate those around him about the dangers of entertaining secular devotees who believe their enemies must be annihilated. An ignored forewarning by one and all who were prompted by self-serving fears to follow a social mandate of political correctness versus the natural plainspokeness that is necessary to protect the greater good. Errors in judgment that ultimately cost 13 people their lives; and -- in the larger sense, a reprehensible testimony about the all too pervasive habit in social and governmental cultures that demand the suppression of natural honesty in order for its members to advance or find favor.
In spite of how many blatant Washington lies have been exposed in recent months, it is still hard to believe that national leaders and the media entrusted to accurately report factual news continue to foolishly compromise on honesty by playing a man-made game of deception they call political correctness. A game of "tweaked speak" that when viewed dispassionately reveals itself as the nasty habit of cowardly deceivers whose every utterance is a deliberate political expediency to gain something for themselves.
Sadly, there is a striking parallel between news media personalities who knowingly engage in skewed and biased reporting for the purpose of enabling a political administration to unceasingly present falsehood as truth and those who would harm or destroy the nation by insinuating themselves into traditional roles for the purposes of inflicting as much damage as is possible on their enemy. The same can be said about a political administration that habitually panders misinformation to the populace while positioning itself as the moral exemplar of ethical behavior even though it endorses duplicity and utilizes intimidation to threaten or punish all who would question the veracity of its obvious fabrications.
Shameful as these comparisons may be, this latest tap dance to avoid facing the realities of war in favor of politically expedient insincerity coupled with today's feeble excuses for an even longer delay in decisive military action in Afghanistan are reminiscent of the many reasons cited by Hillary Clinton during the 2008 presidential campaign about why then candidate Obama was unfit for the high office of Commander-In-Chief. In the matter of Major Hassan or foot dragging over increasing troop strength in Afghanistan, President Obama is simply conducting business as he always has -- speaking whatever words are necessary to manipulate an outcome favorable to himself.
Over the last 32 months since Mr. Obama first announced his presidential candidacy in February 2007, the public has been told every imaginable story and spin on issues ranging from healthcare to homosexuality If the latest Rasmussen approval poll is any indicator, 70% of the voting public is finally catching on that something is terribly amiss in the White House.
Whatever members of the U. S. Government who still possess something of a spiritual conscience or a shred of authentic patriotism must eventually grow weary of the constant deceptions that characterize the way the nation is being governed. May they soon join the ranks of the disenfranchised voters who do not approve of President Obama's job performance since it does not seem that Mr. Obama will soon discover the folly of attempting to lead the nation using inventive stories that do not hold up under scrutiny.
The trust of the American people is the single-most precious asset for any sitting president. It is not lightly given, and when betrayed by corruption and pandering to special interests - especially in the guise of political correctness, the consequences do not bode well for the nation or the public.
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